How to Choose A Point-Of-Sale System

So you’re trying to choose a point-of-sale system… You’ve come to the right place.

Here at Flyght, we’re experts on this kind of stuff. We were born and raised in the technology space, and while we certainly know a thing or twelve about restaurants, we did our homework when developing FlyghtPOS by talking to restaurant owners across the country.

We asked owners and their staff what they liked and didn’t like about their current systems. We also asked them what it would take to make the elusive “perfect point-of-sale system.” And we, of course, had to try all of their food in the process—for quality control, or something like that.

The results were a little shocking.

(The food was great, though.)

Turns out, a lot of people weren’t happy with their point-of-sale systems. They told us—sometimes at incredible length—about all of their pain points. We discovered they were dealing with things like outages during service, poor support, limited customizability, confusing interfaces, lack of training, and a whole lot more.

But we didn’t stop there. We also did a little digging on the competition. If you want to build the best POS system around, you need to figure out what the next best folks are doing, right?

We conducted extensive research on every other POS company we could find. We figured out what they offered, we talked to their support, and we may or may not have made up some aliases to get the real deal info we needed from their sales teams. (Our lawyers are going to love this.)

Here’s the deal.

We used all of that info to create a world-class POS system that has everything a restaurant owner needs and wants, with none of the stuff they don’t.

We also made an entire suite of restaurant and retail-focused products that can handle all the technology in your business. It’s a streamlined, highly-functional, unified system that just works.

But we’re not here to gloat about that. (Too late, you say? Oh well.)

The point is, we did a lot of research and we don’t want to put it to waste—so we’re sharing it with you. Below, you’ll find a link to download our POS Comparison Report. It contains everything you need to know in order to choose the best POS system for your business.

The POS Trifecta

In our report, we cover the three main factors when it comes to choosing a POS— payments, product offerings, and support—as well as plenty of nitty-gritty stuff you might not have thought of. Questions like, “Am I going to have to buy a separate kitchen receipt printer?” and “What happens if my internet goes down in the middle of service?” among many more.

Are we just going to come out and say that Flyght has the best POS system for your business?

Well, yes. Of course we’re going to say that.

But we know you’re not going to take our word for it until you’ve seen the data. So here it is, in all its glory.